Well Log Analysis Service
Test for bad data and remove or modify. Generally, a “Poupon” approach is taken where good data is when the DPHI<=DT_PHI. When DPHI>DT_PHI occurs, this data is nulled and a cluster is run to infill from the good hole data.
Calculate water resistivity from the SP, given that RW is known in at least one zone. Use quick look Rw if RXO and RT and RMF are available. Rw from SP may require “straightening” the SP baseline (Recommend PST_MOD).
- Calculate water resistivity from the SP, given that RW is known in at least one zone. We have a special procedure that gets the right result every time.
- Calculate total organic carbon from carbon and inorganic carbon, resistivity, density, uranium, travel time or NMR.
- Run interpretation model and quality control results
- Provide summaries

Minerals Are The Cornerstone Of Efficient Log Interpretation
- The source of the minerals is core, QemScan, FTIR etc.
- The source of the elements is core XRF, Geochemistry etc.
- Neutron Spectroscopy measures elements on logs.
- The results are checked against core.
- No core? Analyst experience is then crucial.