Coaching & Teaching
You may require some training in the calculations shown in the examples. If so, we can provide at a rate of time, expenses and whatever materials are needed. For example, we’ll provide a hard drive at cost so that your coaching session has a record of what was accomplished and can be referred to later.

Course outline
We will do a complete interpretation on a well with some low porosity possibilities. You will use concepts and methods that can be used in your home office by learning the details of mineral derivation from logs complemented by cores. If you have never used mineral-based interpretation before, this will provide a framework in which to use it. If you have used mineralogy interpretation before, this course will deepen your understanding of the influence of the major elements, aluminum, potassium, silicon, calcium etc., on the derivation of minerals.
You will need a performance computer and the latest version of Microsoft Office in order to keep pace with the interpretation yourself. Alternately, you can sit back and watch, looking for the details in the methodology. You can work as a group or individually, whatever is the most effective way for you to learn.